Amanda Dos Santos

Welcome! I am a Finance PhD Candidate at Columbia Business School and I am on the job market during the 2024-2025 academic year.

You can find my CV here.

Research Interests: International Finance, Macroeconomics



Intenationalizing Like China
with Christopher Clayton, Matteo Maggiori and Jesse SchregerConditionally Accepted, American Economic Review. September 2024.

We empirically characterize how China is internationalizing its bond market by staggering the entry of different types of foreign investors into its domestic market and propose a dynamic reputation model to explain this strategy. Our framework rationalizes China’s strategy as trying to build credibility as a safe issuer while reducing the cost of capital flight. We use our framework to shed light on China's response to episodes of capital outflows. 

China in Tax Havens
with Christopher Clayton, Antonio Coppola, Matteo Maggiori and Jesse SchregerAEA Paper and Proceedings. May 2023.

We document the rise of China in offshore capital markets. Chinese firms use global tax havens to access foreign capital both in equity and bond markets. In the last twenty years, China’s presence went from raising a negligible amount of capital in these markets to accounting for more than half of equity issuance and around a fifth of global corporate bonds outstanding in tax havens. Using rich micro data, we show that a range of Chinese firms, including both tech giants and SOEs, use these offshore centers. We conclude by discussing the macroeconomic and financial stability implications of these patterns.